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APCUPSD script disappearing

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I've got a separate machine plugged into my UPS, and I created a net rpc shutdown script (./powerout) to trigger from the powerout event within apccontrol.  It works great - once.  After testing (unplugging the UPS and letting everything shutdown as expected), when I restart the UNRAID server, the script is simply gone.  So is the copy I placed in ~.  #Confused.


Any insight appreciated.

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Unraid extracts the OS from archives on the USB into RAM on every boot. If you don't store the script on a drive it won't survive a reboot. /boot is the USB flash drive, however since it's FAT32 normal linux permissions don't apply so you will need to copy it elsewhere to set execute permissions. The user scripts plugin handles this for you if you wish.

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19 minutes ago, Graber said:

That way if I add other steps I want to occur then, I just amend the script. 

Your call, but I prefer the granular approach, one named script per function, that way it's easy to change schedules or whatever. Or just use # to disable or enable script lines. It's not like it takes much space either way.

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