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UnRaid Vm/Dockers not showing up

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New to Unraid so please bear with me...

I am using Unraid 6.9.2 Trail version at the moment,

Got an old server work was throwing out. Moving from a Windows 10 machine using storages spaces (dedicated to storage/running media servers) to Unraid.

1 12TB parity drive and (originally 1 2TB and 1 4TB) disks, with a 1TB SSD Cache.


I use it to store all my files, and I've played with (and successfully set up 2 dockers - logitech media server and a plex media server both were working well.


I also set up a VM and that was working well. - to remove my main PC, including GPU passthrough.

So I was happy it was working correctly.


I started an overnight transfer of my data from my old (win 10 -server) computer to unraid, and didn't calculate it properly and it filled the two disks I had in to 100%. I added a third disk the next day (4 TB) and then my first disk showed an X and was disabled. The VM's and dockers were working fine.

After reading the forums a simple stop-unassigned-start stop-assign-start, fixed the problem with the disks but I noticed that the VM and the dockers were missing. I presumed that while the disk are being rebuilt a simple restart might fix this.

Once finished, the VM's were still missing so I restarted the Machine. and they still did not appear. While i was thinking on this problem i added a 4th disk (3TB).

I couldn't find a problem explaining what was my problem so I restarted the system once more.

Now my Parity drive is showing an X. so I've started a rebuild of this...



However the more i read the more i think that these drive issues are separate to the VM issue.


The domains share is set to Cache-Prefer, so it shouldn't be touching the disks other than to write to the shares, Once the systems are loaded should they?

I can see the VM image file in the share.


Can anyone point me in the direction I should be looking in please. I've attached the diagnostics log.


thanks for any help in advance.




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Not 100% related, but it's always advised to flash your controllers to be in IT mode, not IR mode.  Lessens your problems, and is the recommended for pretty much every software RAID out there, including Unraid


Because of the IR mode flashing, SMART is currently showing up for the affected drives, but since most actual hardware failures are exceedingly rare, it is likely because of poor cabling connections to the drives.  Reseat at a start


Other than that,  since writes to the parity drives failed, the drives were disabled.  You need to (after reseating)

  • Unassign the parity drives
  • Start Array
  • Stop Array
  • Re-assign the parity drives
  • Start Array

A rebuild of the drives will then commence.

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Thanks Squid, ill look into flashing the controllers, they are this way as its the condition that I received the Server, I didn't realise there were multimodes for them..., I've re-seated the drives and the cables,

and the parity is reading/rebuilding (estimated 1day 6hrs!!)


The VM's are the concern?  the parity is now emulated (I assume while they are being rebuilt),

However, why would the VM's which are on the "Cache - prefer" (hence not backed to the parity) still not be showing and hence allowing me to use them?

how would i get these back, are is the assumption that once the parity is re-built then these will just start working?


having a drive down like this, is a big Issue, as I'm thinking of ditching the hardware PC to be replaced by a VM


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Parity has finished rebuilding and a restart later, and the VM's are still not showing up. Anyone able to help on how to get the VM back and the dockers?


EDIT: I recreated the VM's with the exact name as before and when they booted they booted into the old VM, just the inital settings |( on the VM page were all I needed to alter.


many thanks


Edited by Belcraig
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