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Running Headless

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Hi, is it possible to run UnRAID without a monitor?  I'm using an Intel chip with integrated graphics and the machine will boot fine if I have a monitor plugged in, but will not boot without one.  I've googled the issue and the recommendation is that I purchase and dummy plug.  However, I don't believe that's my issue since even without the monitor, my motherboard boots to the UnRAID boot screen (the screen with the 5 second count down) and it's hanging at 1 second.  I know this because I'll turn on the machine without a monitor, wait, and then plug the monitor in.  Every time when I do that, the screen image I first see with the monitor plugged in is at 1 second and then booting continues fine (no matter how long I wait before plugging in the monitor).  And so what I think is happening is UnRAID is waiting for the presence of a monitor before continuing.  Does that make sense?  Is there a way to set UnRAID so it does not wait?  Thank you! 

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Unraid does not care if there is a monitor attached or not so it is likely to be something in the BiOS (you might want to also check it is set to not want a keyboard).  Many people run UnRaid in ‘headless’ mode (me included) and I think you may well find that the dummy HDMI plug will be needed .

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