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I broke plex

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I am unable to start my binhex-plespass container after making some changes last night. I added some SSDs and created two new cache pools, one of them for plex appdata. I changed the plex container's /config to point at the new cache pool. This created a new share called Plex Media Server, which I renamed to plex_appdata (and I changed the /config file accordingly in the plex container). Now when I start the container, I get this in the logs:

2021-06-05 07:04:36.035044 [info] Host is running unRAID 
2021-06-05 07:04:36.065760 [info] System information Linux Isidore 5.10.28-Unraid #1 SMP Wed Apr 7 08:23:18 PDT 
2021 x86_64 GNU/Linux 
2021-06-05 07:04:36.102983 [info] OS_ARCH defined as 'x86-64' 
2021-06-05 07:04:36.139760 [info] PUID defined as '99' 
2021-06-05 07:04:36.180839 [info] PGID defined as '100' 
2021-06-05 07:04:37.515121 [info] UMASK defined as '000' 
2021-06-05 07:04:37.550787 [info] Permissions already set for volume mappings 
2021-06-05 07:04:37.587446 [info] Deleting files in /tmp (non recursive)... 
2021-06-05 07:04:37.627241 [info] TRANS_DIR defined as '/tmp' 
2021-06-05 07:04:37.667138 [info] Starting Supervisor... 
2021-06-05 07:04:44,863 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/plexmediaserver.conf" during parsing 
2021-06-05 07:04:44,863 INFO Set uid to user 0 succeeded 
2021-06-05 07:04:44,950 INFO supervisord started with pid 7 
2021-06-05 07:04:45,953 INFO spawned: 'plexmediaserver' with pid 63 
2021-06-05 07:04:45,956 INFO spawned: 'shutdown-script' with pid 64 
2021-06-05 07:04:45,956 INFO reaped unknown pid 8 (exit status 0) 
2021-06-05 07:04:46,957 INFO success: plexmediaserver entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) 
2021-06-05 07:04:46,957 INFO success: shutdown-script entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs)


My system logs are throwing a different error.

chdir_current_service: vfs_ChDir(/mnt/user/Plex Media Server) failed: No such file or directory

I've been fiddling with it for several hours now and can't seem to find the problem. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!


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I don't have a lot of time right now, but this is definitely fixable. First, please elaborate on this statement if you could. This sounds a bit unexpected.


I changed the plex container's /config to point at the new cache pool. This created a new share called Plex Media Server, which I renamed to plex_appdata

I don't know how you renamed this 'share', but something was missed.

Somehow plex or the OS is remembering a disk or share or something regarding "Plex Media Server" but why? Let's look at the configs.

So open terminal, and look for that string in the most likely places.

grep -R "Plex Media Server" /mnt/user/appdata /etc

This will look for any occurrences of this string in both of the above locations and show which files they are in.

I expect this will give you a clue where the problem lies. 


Mostly, I find it very strange that somehow a 'share' was created, and I'm not sure I understand how you 'renamed' this share. 

You might be able to find some immediate relief by just symlinking the missing dir to the one you think you want, but something seems a little odd. I will look at your diagnostics when time permits.

Hope this helps,


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Hello! Thanks for getting back to me. To explain the first part, in the binhex-plexpass docker container, I have the /config path mapped to /mnt/plex/Plex_Media_Server. I've since added the underscores because the Fix Common Problems plugin told me Unraid 6.2 is having problems with shares that have spaces in their name. I ran your grep command and got a weird response. First, this pops up:

grep: /mnt/user/appdata/PlexMediaServer/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Crash Reports/ MEDIA SERVER/6609675a-1df8-c6e9-50783744-50216792.dmp: binary file matches
grep: /mnt/user/appdata/PlexMediaServer/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db: binary file matches
grep: /mnt/user/appdata/PlexMediaServer/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db-2020-12-16: binary file matches
grep: /mnt/user/appdata/PlexMediaServer/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db-2020-12-19: binary file matches
grep: /mnt/user/appdata/PlexMediaServer/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db-2020-12-22: binary file matches
grep: /mnt/user/appdata/PlexMediaServer/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db-2020-12-25: binary file matches


After that, it pauses for about 10 seconds, and about 100 lines instantly pop up. And if I scroll to the top, I can no longer see where I typed the command or the part I posted above. The rest of it looks something like this:

 13:39:09.744 [0x14b3e0921bc0] DEBUG - Creating /config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Media/localhost/3/f48b775c5e87f7f0ac2bc9684eee0596947dd73.bundle/Contents/Thumbnails/thumb1.jpg (50.0%, 720x512).
/mnt/user/appdata/PlexMediaServer/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Logs/Plex Media Scanner Analysis.1.log:Dec 27, 2020 13:39:15.683 [0x14ba34ec0bc0] DEBUG - Creating /config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Media/localhost/4/8d7e1eb28a3c70280e9063efa893bc2f3264344.bundle/Contents/Thumbnails/thumb1.jpg (50.0%, 720x512).
/mnt/user/appdata/PlexMediaServer/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Logs/Plex Media Scanner Analysis.log:Dec 27, 2020 13:39:23.528 [0x14f59ac07bc0] DEBUG - Creating /config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Media/localhost/7/166a65bdc130d9ed46e4a6ce98d87c08bc456d4.bundle/Contents/Thumbnails/thumb1.jpg (50.0%, 720x512).

I've put all the correct data in the new share. As far as I can tell, the Plex container is correctly mapped to the right folders. I just can't think of anything else to do.

I should mention that the first thing I did was follow SpaceInvader's video and used rsync to move the files. I'm also including an updated log in case it helps. There's a disk error in there that came up about an hour ago. I don't think it's related (came up 24 hours after Plex stopped working).


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I'm not sure if this is the problem, but I seem to recall having a similar problem with an older version of unRAID. In my case, it appeared that docker had a problem mapping directories from volumes that didn't exist when the docker service was started. Stopping and restarting the docker service (instead of just the container in question) fixed it for me.

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On 6/5/2021 at 1:53 PM, djjlav said:

/config to point at the new cache pool.


On 6/5/2021 at 1:53 PM, djjlav said:

changed the /config file accordingly in the plex container

Are you referencing /mnt/user/appdata/.... or /mnt/someCachePool/appdata/... in the template?


On 6/5/2021 at 1:53 PM, djjlav said:

chdir_current_service: vfs_ChDir(/mnt/user/Plex Media Server) failed: No such file or directory

alternatively, get rid of the spaces in the share name.

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3 minutes ago, Squid said:

Are you referencing /mnt/user/appdata/.... or /mnt/someCachePool/appdata/... in the template?

I am referencing /mnt/plex/Plex_Media_Server/ in the template. I replaced the spaces with underscores sometime yesterday but it did not change anything.

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OK, I deleted everything and started over because I think my directories were weird. I have a share plexappdata that prefers the SSD cache drive that I've named 'plex'.

I used Krusader to copy the binhex-plexpass directory and contents into the plexappdata share. Then I set the Appdata Config Path of binhex-plexpass to /mnt/user/plexappdata.


The first time I ran it, I was watching the logs and it sat at the "Setting permissions recursively on volume mappings..." for about 10 minutes before continuing to look like this:


2021-06-06 15:48:58.301853 [info] Host is running unRAID
2021-06-06 15:48:58.568814 [info] System information Linux Isidore 5.10.28-Unraid #1 SMP Wed Apr 7 08:23:18 PDT 2021 x86_64 GNU/Linux
2021-06-06 15:48:58.730155 [info] OS_ARCH defined as 'x86-64'
2021-06-06 15:48:58.939999 [info] PUID defined as '99'
2021-06-06 15:49:00.228699 [info] PGID defined as '100'
2021-06-06 15:49:02.278938 [info] UMASK defined as '000'
2021-06-06 15:49:02.317846 [info] Setting permissions recursively on volume mappings...
2021-06-06 16:17:57.176556 [info] Deleting files in /tmp (non recursive)...
2021-06-06 16:17:57.272246 [info] TRANS_DIR defined as '/tmp'
2021-06-06 16:17:57.419654 [info] Starting Supervisor...
2021-06-06 16:18:36,235 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/plexmediaserver.conf" during parsing
2021-06-06 16:18:36,235 INFO Set uid to user 0 succeeded
2021-06-06 16:18:36,611 INFO supervisord started with pid 7
2021-06-06 16:18:37,615 INFO spawned: 'plexmediaserver' with pid 72
2021-06-06 16:18:37,618 INFO spawned: 'shutdown-script' with pid 73
2021-06-06 16:18:37,618 INFO reaped unknown pid 8 (exit status 0)
2021-06-06 16:18:38,620 INFO success: plexmediaserver entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2021-06-06 16:18:38,620 INFO success: shutdown-script entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs)
2021-06-06 16:18:46,549 DEBG 'plexmediaserver' stderr output:
Error in command line:the argument for option '--serverUuid' should follow immediately after the equal sign
Crash Uploader options (all are required):
--directory arg Directory to scan for crash reports
--serverUuid arg UUID of the server that crashed
--userId arg User that owns this product
--platform arg Platform string
--platformVersion arg Platform version string
--vendor arg Vendor string
--device arg
2021-06-06 16:18:46,549 DEBG 'plexmediaserver' stderr output:
Device string
--model arg Device model string
--sentryUrl arg Sentry URL to upload to
--sentryKey arg Sentry Key for the project
--version arg Version of the product
--allowRetries arg Whether we will allow retries


Plex still did not work after that. I restarted the container and now the logs are showing the same problem as before:


2021-06-06 16:24:22.263003 [info] Host is running unRAID
2021-06-06 16:24:22.496672 [info] System information Linux Isidore 5.10.28-Unraid #1 SMP Wed Apr 7 08:23:18 PDT 2021 x86_64 GNU/Linux
2021-06-06 16:24:22.532935 [info] OS_ARCH defined as 'x86-64'
2021-06-06 16:24:22.565004 [info] PUID defined as '99'
2021-06-06 16:24:22.605437 [info] PGID defined as '100'
2021-06-06 16:24:23.965959 [info] UMASK defined as '000'
2021-06-06 16:24:24.002858 [info] Permissions already set for volume mappings
2021-06-06 16:24:24.037225 [info] Deleting files in /tmp (non recursive)...
2021-06-06 16:24:24.078335 [info] TRANS_DIR defined as '/tmp'
2021-06-06 16:24:24.113858 [info] Starting Supervisor...
2021-06-06 16:24:24,307 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/plexmediaserver.conf" during parsing
2021-06-06 16:24:24,307 INFO Set uid to user 0 succeeded
2021-06-06 16:24:24,309 INFO supervisord started with pid 7
2021-06-06 16:24:25,313 INFO spawned: 'plexmediaserver' with pid 63
2021-06-06 16:24:25,315 INFO spawned: 'shutdown-script' with pid 64
2021-06-06 16:24:25,316 INFO reaped unknown pid 8 (exit status 0)
2021-06-06 16:24:26,318 INFO success: plexmediaserver entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2021-06-06 16:24:26,318 INFO success: shutdown-script entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs)


Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

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