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How do I rebuild a drive after 2 other drives reported problems during the rebuild?

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Ok, so I recently added back a 2nd hba card. A drive went missing (timed out). So I was rebuilding that, during that one other drive dropped out, then a bit later one drive was just showing errors during the rebuild.


I swapped out that HBA for a 3rd, maybe it was no good. Anyway, during all this I'm pretty certain nothing was written to the array at all. So, I want to assume parity is fine I guess, because I can't imagine all the read errors on the 3rd "failed" drive would mean good data on the actual rebuilding.


I do have two parity drives.


What steps do I take, to assume parity is valid, restart the build on the drive that I had started on, and assume the other 2 drives are fine also?

Here is how it's looking, disk 16 was in the middle (well, not even close to the middle at all actually) of the rebuild when the other issues popped up.



Thanks for any help you can provide, you can also hit me up on discord in the official.


Edit: Or, if I assume the HBA swap fixes the drive (2 or 3, whichever) errors, I could just rebuild 16 again and hope it works?


Edited by GoChris
added diagnostics
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3 hours ago, JorgeB said:

Start array to see if both emulated disks are mounting (disk16 will start rebuilding), since server was rebooted which was the other disk that showed read errors during the rebuild?

Sorry for the late reply, server wasn't stable with the 2nd HBA card in it for some reason so back to 1 and a vid card.

I believe it was disk 2 or 3 that was giving the errors, which is showing fine now.

Just started the array and it is showing disk 16 and 7 as unmountable.



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