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Unraid and Active Directory Permissions (SOLVED)

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I'm having trouble with permissions on a share that is written into by a Docker container. I currently have my Unraid instance joined to my domain through a Server 2019 Domain Controller, and Unraid is running 6.9.2


The issue that I am having is that one of my downloaders running through docker occasionally creates subdirectories in the share, and the permissions set on them don't inherit the permissions of the share itself, and the group that has RW access to the share has no read or write permissions to the subfolders in the share, nor are we able to set/reset the perms of the subfolders through the permissions dialog in windows. Is there a setting that I can change in Docker that would yield the windows permissions settings to the AD side, while still giving the Docker container the proper permissions to do it's job? 


Attempted troubleshooting: 


In the docker container, modified the path access mode to be r/w - slave and r/w - shared, no change in functionality, unfortunately.


Am I dumb for even trying to go down the road of getting this to work with AD at all? 


Edited by shawn0
mark solved.
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  • shawn0 changed the title to Unraid and Active Directory Permissions (SOLVED)

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