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No startup Windows 10 installation screen after setting up the server and VMs.

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  • I am having issues getting my monitors to display the startup Windows 10 installation screen after setting up the server and VMs. Once i got a yellow screen with grey lines to appear. Then i changed up the settings again and it was just a dark screen on startup. That  dark screen seems to be affected by starting up the vm, but its not giving me the windows installation startup screen that I need. I have never gotten a server to work before so its my first time doing this. My unraid free trial is about to end and I still have not gotten this up and running. I attached my Diagnostics.


Edited by ZvZ
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Hi there,


It appears you are trying to do this on a system without an integrated graphics device.  I see you have two GPUs in the system (a 1080ti and a 3060).  If you're trying to use both of those with VMs, you'll need a 3rd device to provide graphics for the host itself or you can try following this advanced GPU pass through tutorial from SpaceInvaderOne:






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