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Re-enable drive without rebuild (6.7.2)

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I have single-parity a server that has had two simultaneous drive 'failures', only one of which has actually failed. One drive was redballed due to a SATA cable momentarily coming unplugged, and the other has actually had a hardware failure. The drive that is still good mounts fine, passes all SMART tests, I can access and recover the files, etc., but Unraid will not let me add it back into the array so I can rebuild the failed drive.


Is there any way to force Unraid to re-enable the working disk without a rebuild, or replace it with a clone so I can attempt to rebuild the other drive? Or perhaps make a new config, tell Unraid that parity is correct, and rebuild the failed drive that way? I am well aware that having two simultaneous drive failures with single parity probably means the data is unrecoverable, but if I start a new config and rebuild parity it will certainly be lost forever. I am looking for a hail mary at this point. Even a solution that results in partial data loss I would still consider a success if it avoids losing all data on the broken drive. 

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Weird that I didn't find that post, because that is the exact same problem. I spent a while searching for an answer, but I guess I didn't use the right keywords. 

I followed the instructions there, but xfs_repair fails with error 117. I saw a lot of file names I recognized during the rebuild attempt and it put a lot of things into lost and found so I know at least some of my data is there, but it won't actually rebuild a mountable file system. This is progress at least!

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