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Server Stuck at /BZRoot....OK

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Been running Unraid just fine for several months.  Last night, I had a power outage.  My UPS picked up as expected and did a shutdown also as expected.  Received the email below:

Event: Unraid Server Alert
Subject: UPS Alert
Description: Remaining battery runtime below limit on UPS HawkinsUnraid. Doing shutdown.
Importance: alert


So I wake up this morning and boot up the server and now I am stuck at image.png.d1ec3f26862e18d954b92039192f1c25.png


Won't do anythign else?  What's the problem?  I know previously I read this can be a RAM issue but given I've had months on the server with restarts and starts and that didn't seem to be the issue.  Another thing I read was UEFi and my motherboard is set to run in UEFI.  What else can i try>?

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It might be worth downloading the zip file for the release, and then extract all the bz* type files overwriting those on the flash drive just in case the power outage somehow caused some corruption to occur.    It should not be needed as you said you got a tidy shutdown, but you never know.

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