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trying to thinking outside the box for cache/pool vs array for system files

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new to unraid so still learning 

1x4tb parity

4x3tb array drives

1x120gb SSD (thinking of adding to array for system files)

1x750gb cache


so I watched some vids on how to setup cache or pool drive but once i do that i lose parity for the system or the shares setup with prefer-cahce options or yes cache options.  Can i not just setup the ssd in the array as a drive ecluding all the other shares but the system ones and just move the files to it so atleast i get faster reads with parity?  I guess the question is do the writes to those shares happen that often or constant. i cant find an app yet to give me that info on how many reads and writes are going on in those specific shares (if anyone has a suggestion on what app to try for that plz do) (appdate/domains/isos/system)  I dont see myself doing allot of writes that often, altho i wasnt prepaired for how slow transfering speeds to a parity array would be, i get only 30-50mb so with that one hd as a cahce that should give a little speed bump and good enuff for my needs atm just dont wanna put system files on it. 


what im after is just speeding up the docker stuff (emby/krusader) with parity bakcup and stop the hd spining up and down constantly for system files. along with avoiding this wierd backup configuration for cache drive stuff.  (dont trust myself to set that up flawlessly tbh)


Thanks for any help or advise. 


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There's still a fair amount of writes happening at any given time to either the docker.img or the appdata, so your parity drive will stay spun up all the time.   


Read speeds will increase, but writes will still be slow (and may get slower as array devices do not support TRIM)


So far as redundancy is concerned, most people with only a non-redundant cache pool will simply back up the appdata on a schedule (weekly?) via the appdata backup plugin.


IMO, your best bet is to use the SSD as a cache drive.

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That explains why no videos on my crazy idea..  so more of a hardware issue with ssd's overuse without trim. ok.. 


so im guessing i can setup two cache drives one for the system stuff and one for my transfer junk so the ssd doesnt get overused atleast thats my thinking


Thank you for the quick reply will play around with two caches and see if it works the way my crazy brain thinks.  will have to search around for that backup thing



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