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Changing Default Site in Swag


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Hello, I have an UnRAID server and have successfully setup several subdomain applications that I use. (cloud.domain.com, ombi.domain.com)


Currently when you go to "domain.com" I have a very simple webpage with links that direct to the subdomain applications.


But I want to change the default site to a Wordpress instance. I can install Wordpress with no issues to answer on another subdomain, but I don't want that.


I have found a file in /appdata/swag/nginx/site-confs/default

and there is a section that reads:


    root /config/www;
    index index.html index.htm index.php;

I understand that I can edit the root 'www' folder, but the way I understand it, is that it would have to within the "swag" folder. Is there a way to go up one directory, and create a 'Wordpress' folder??


This seems like it would be easy, but I'm missing something.


Just a while ago I installed Wordpress, but I installed it within the /www/ in swag, and got database connection issues. I'm not sure if there were conflicts with more than one docker container using that directory, or if it was my fault.


Any advice would be helpful, thank ya'll so much!!



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