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Understanding Disk Errors

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Hello. I have a question about disk errors that started to pop up recently. It's just on one disk (Disk 2), and both times it was only 32 errors. The disk passed SMART extended test, but I did see a few errors in the report that's attached as well. But, I'm not sure they are related.

I can say that these errors might be related to the VM that I was running, but it's hard for me to say. I want some understanding of what the errors are and how I can find out what the "32" errors are exactly as the report didn't seem to include that.


I understand the drives are kinda old (60k hours), but I'm wondering if I need to replace them sooner (ie now) than later (next few months). I don't use the drives that much normally.




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Yes, the errors were on the Main page. I did reboot since getting them. Didn't think that that would clear the logging of those errors.


Humm. Well, I've loaded the VM again and I haven't seen any errors pop... but I'll keep the VM active for a bit and see what happens. I guess if I get them again, I should capture the diagnostics again and upload it?

Actually! now that I'm writing this, I remembered I took a capture before the reboot. I believe I seem some sector errors in the syslog. They are sequential with a spacing of 8, which would make since if it's something like bits vs bytes.


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4 minutes ago, Avi_grtl said:

I did reboot since getting them. Didn't think that that would clear the logging of those errors.

Syslog is in RAM just like the rest of the OS. You can setup syslog server to get those stored somewhere.


15 minutes ago, Avi_grtl said:

took a capture before the reboot

Those do look like disk problems though maybe not critical. Since the disk is so old I would consider replacing it.

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Fair enough. It's nice to know that they aren't looking like they will fail immediately. Syslog would be the place to continue looking for these types of errors then? What do the errors in the SMART logs mean? the

Error: UNC at LBA

Looking online, these seem kinda bad, but they go back quite a ways in the hours.


So I was thinking that I would like to increase the storage capacity and if I'm getting new disks, now would be the time to do that. But my issue is that I'm limited to 4 disks (sata limit on the ITX board I'm using). Currently I have 4TB parity drive, 2x 2TB data disks and 1x cache drive. If I wanted to do something like 8TB parity and 2x4TB, (potentially reusing the current parity drive as a data drive) is that something that's possible? Or is that too complex of a move?

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