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Machine Check Events warning after power surge & warning after starting SAMBA


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Had a power surge Sunday evening. Thankfully, I run everything off a UPS, but somehow it managed to corrupt my pfSense VM and my USB. Was running 6.10-rc1, but thankfully I had a backup of my flash drive from 6.9.2 prior to the upgrade.


Initially was unable to access GUI (blinking cursor issue), but got that sorted from some time spent reading the forums. Restored from backup and rebuilt the VM and we are back in business.


However, now I'm getting a Machine Check Events warning in Fix Common Problems.


Additionally,  I see a line at console on startup I don't recognize from before. Admittedly, I haven't had to look at console in months, so I'm wondering if that's normal because I run a script on startup via Squid's User Scripts, and it's referring to that? Screenshot (apologies for the bluriness, was captured from video - see last line) and logs attached. 


Much appreciated.



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