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Backup options for Array Shares to Unassigned Drive

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Hi all,

My setup is fairly simple and I'm wondering if there is a straightforward backup solution that includes a GUI. Like many, my array is predominately TV and Film media. But it also includes shares with personal and professional documents, projects, pictures, etc.


For the important shares I have a 4TB unassigned drive formatted for NTFS where I am manually maintaining backups so that if UnRaid craps out at the very least I can plug the backup straight into a Windows machine and carry on.

I'd like to be able to automate this process, which in backup terms seems pretty straightforward. Unfortuantely I haven't had much luck finding a Plugin or Container with a GUI (I'm not much good in the terminal without clear instructions) that can manage this. Ideally the solution would "watch" the appropriate Shares and selectively update the full backup daily. But if need be I'm happy to settle for a weekly dump of all files in each Share.


Any suggestions from the Pro's? Thanks in advance

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