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Windows 11 VM Memory Usage on Unraid 6.9.2 (SOLVED)


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Hello, I'm pretty new to both Linux and unraid in general.  I just setup a windows 11 VM using SpaceInvaderOne's video, and everything seems to be going well except Windows is using 97% of the memory I allocate to it.  I originally gave it 12gb of ram, and then bumped it to 16gb when I saw it was using all of it.  When using the task manager, it doesn't show any process using enough to represent the totality of what it's reporting is being used.  Is this just something that is commonplace in VMs, or is there another issue at hand?  I've tried disabling superfetch and it had no impact on the RAM usage.  Thank you, any help is appreciated. 







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  • Seraph42 changed the title to Windows 11 VM Memory Usage on Unraid 6.9.2 (SOLVED)
  • 3 months later...

@JorgeB Why is that your recommendation?  Isn't what the OP is describing normal virt-io memory ballooning operation for a Windows VM?  Yes, Task Manager shows 97% utilization, but that doesn't matter.  If you look at the stats on the host, you'll see that it has only allocated what the VM actually needs, which expands and contracts.  This is the purpose of memory ballooning.  You suggestion pre-allocates 100% of the memory to the VM so it can't be utilized by the host or by other VMs or containers.  This seems less than ideal to me.

@Seraph42 I would suggest putting it back to how you had it before and disregard the 97% in the task manager.  It's not actually using all that RAM, it's just cosmetic.  It's just the way the KVM Hypervisor manages memory allotment to its VMs.

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