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Binhex-Plex gave Bad Execution error when starting


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Power outage hit me and lasted a good 26 hours.  I wasn't here to power anything down nor did I know about the power outage so my UPS died (it lasts 12 hours).


I get home and power everything back up...then the trouble starts.  Plex and TDarr don't start.  I try to manually start and I get the above error.


Well, first I did say "gave Bad Executive error" not because the issue is fixed, but more so because I attempted to make a change in the settings because I had a theory I knew what the issue might be.  That failed when I clicked apply...okay fine.  But I discovered in it failing it deleted the Binhex-Plex docker from existence.  I got to take the blame here because this happened to me when I was originally setting everything up and had to go back and redo all my settings.  I spent a lot of time on that and I'd rather not do it again as it took quite a while to remember and guess at everything I did before to make sure it was the same again.


I realize the folder in my appdata and everything is still there, but now I have a two fold issue.


1.  How do I figure out what all custom settings I have without just working through all the variables I could have setup.  I'd rather not fight this battle if I don't have to.  Yes, I realize after the 1st time it happened I should have taken notes or a screenshot, but this feels way to finicky to make a simple mistake and find it gone when it tries to compile/setup after a change is made to find it all gone forever.


2.  Getting my settings back is one thing...the next is what caused it.  I have a theory it was me pointing my transcodes to /tmp (I got 128GB of RAM so a 64 GB space feels like plenty here) and something weird happened after boot.  I think this because only two applications use /tmp to do work in and that's Plex and Tdarr.  Tdarr is doing the same error when it tries to start (nothing in the logs, I checked), but I don't DARE touch it because if it deletes and I can't retrieve the settings...I'm going back to Windows Server, haha.


So, if I can get number 1 taken care of, it'll be a huge plus (seeing my old settings again and praying they aren't gone forever).


Edit:   #2 has been fixed.  My Nvidia driver deleted itself somehow...those two containers both used my GTX 1650.  Fixing that issue fixed #2..so, now all I really need is how to get my settings back prior to it's "self deletion".

Edited by Athelstan
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