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VM crashes whole UNRAID system


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I just changed the main hardware of my UNRAID server, so new Mainboard, new CPU, new RAM.

Graphics Card and HDD / SDD are the same.

From the previous sever I had one VM with WIN10. With the new Hardware installed I tried to launch this VM but somehow the UNRAID system crashed. Docker Containers weren't accessible anymore, the VM and Settings Tab in the UNRAID web GUI did not load and a reboot command did not reboot the system.

I had to pull the power plug.


Now I did create a new VM since I thought it might have some wrong drivers etc. seemed to work smoothly but now again same behavior as before.


Any guess?


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yes I've done that, first it seemed to work without problem but as soon as I throw some "load" to the VM it crashed UNRAID the same way as with the "OLD" VM. 



Now even starting the VM lets UNRAID crash, not responding to a reboot nothing need to pull the power plug

Edited by gekoch
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