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Disk added to cache pool, but still remain unformated.

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I just added a new disk which is ntfs file system, and add it to a cache pool, which is 1 slot originally and I enlarge it to 2. And I also checked the format checkbox. But after I start the array, the new disk has no FS, please take a look of below screenshots.



Cache2 settings page



How can I resolve this situation? seem the new disk not join the pool?


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3 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

That's normal, the fs that shows is for the entire pool, there's just one per pool.

Thanks for the quick response, I am newbie to unraid allough I set it up 1 year ago and never change it, it just works fine.


Here is one more question, I think those two disk is empty(new disk should be formatted), and I did a rebalance of rail0, but the pool still report only 2T free space.





BTW, I installed the unassigned devices plugin, and it has some error


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1 minute ago, chenyuejie said:

did a rebalance of rail0, but the pool still report only 2T free space.

That's expected, it can only use 1TB from the larger disk since raid0 requires 2 devices minimum, if you want to use the full capacity you need to use single profile, all that it's in the link above.

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