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Drive reports errors but passes SMART


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I received warnings that a drive has errors. The drive is reporting 64 errors, but when I run the extended SMART self-test it passes. What would this mean and what should I do next?


My server has not been opened up so a loose cable seems unlikely. I recently had errors in a parity check and did a second, correcting check (maybe that was a mistake). Maybe this drive is failing and slowly causing more errors?


Diagnostics and smart report attached. 

bunker-diagnostics-20211218-0900.zip WDC_WD60EFRX-68L0BN1_WD-WX11D76EP20F-20211218-0856.txt

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Raw read error rate should ideally be 0 on WD smarts, yours is 2


Seek error rate should also I believe be 0 on WD, yours is 1


And 3 UDMA CRC errors (usually this indicates connection problems) of 3


The thresholds are all within limits, so not an urgent problem, but those attributes would all account for the read errors being listed within Main, and the system worked as designed and re-wrote the offending sectors with the correct values recalculated via parity.

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