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2 Drives disabled (parity+disk 4)


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I ran into a bit of Situation. My Parity Disk turned disabled while I was copying a large chunk onto the array. The drive seems fine so I though I'll just rebuild it after finishing the copy process since it usually is a bad cable. After restarting the other disks were disabled so I had to restart a bunch of times to get them all back. I know drive 10 is dying. I was hoping to rebuild parity first and then get that one replaced.


But I now have an unmountable disk 4 drive. I'm pretty sure that that drive is okay. Since I won't be able to access the server physically for two weeks I was wondering what's the best way to go about this.

Can I enable disk4 somehow and rebuild parity. Or will I have to write the data on that off. Should I turn the server off unitl I have physical access to it again?








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  • 1 month later...

So I finally have access and time to go at it.


Disk 4 is disabled and missing according to Unraid. I switched out cable without any change. That drive should be fine though. Could this be a mistake in the Unraid UI?


When I create "New Config" in tools. Do I preserve everything? or wll it delete my cache drives if I only check Array slots for example?




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40 minutes ago, Heciruam said:

When I create "New Config" in tools. Do I preserve everything? or wll it delete my cache drives if I only check Array slots for example?

Technically you can use any option as long as you end up with the desired assignments before starting the array.   My normal recommendation is to start by preserving all, and then making any necessary changes before attempting to start the array as that is least prone to user error.


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