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Virtual Disk in Unassigned Devices

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Hi all, Finally getting the hang of Unraid (spaceinvader one videos are gold).  Installed this a few days ago and have started messing around with it.


I came across this issue where there is a "Virtual Disk_" in unassigned devices (image attached). I have been unable to unmount it.  The system tells me it's not mounted  


I first noticed that the server was taking a significant amount of time responding when using the GUI (simple operations such as going from Dashboard to Main to Shares).  That prompted me to look at the syslog.  Looks like there's a virtual disk in sda.  


Has anyone come across this by any chance? Or perhaps can point me to other areas for me to research?


This is a custom box from server parts: Supermicro X8SIL-F, Xeon x3430, 4GB of ECC RAM. 


Virtual Disk_.png

syslog (4)

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