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Cloudflare DDNS Docker Not Available

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I am fairly brand new to Unraid, so this is a whole different world for me. I've been having network issues that have locked up the networking on the server to the point of a hard shutdown. I think I have that resolved now. I believe the hard shutdown has corrupted my Cloudflare DDNS docker. I tried to remove the docker via the GUI to just rebuild it and it just hangs. I have attempted to run docker rm <container ID> and have returned with the following error:


Error response from daemon: container 8ad0577c37bc2853059494c6ed81f8679a5525d2e586b4594c1fdee8877729fc: driver "overlay2" failed to remove root filesystem: unlinkat /var/lib/docker/overlay2/4db7785c6f2e66893874e8b43db3a47b4dbf8313b28ebcab52d6eb44d760b739/diff/etc/cont-init.d/50-ddns: structure needs cleaning


I have followed the path and the specific file looks like this when I do a ls -la:


/bin/ls: cannot access '50-ddns': Structure needs cleaning
total 0
drwxrwxr-x 2 root root 21 Dec 22 16:18 ./
drwxrwxr-x 3 root root 25 Dec 22 16:18 ../
-????????? ? ?    ?     ?            ? 50-ddns


I am running all my dockers on a NVME SSD and when I started the array in maintenance mode and attempted a XFS_repair I received an error when I attempted it. I will have to go back and run it, again, to get the exact error. In the mean time any help would be greatly appreciated. I have been beating my head against the forums and Google for hours to no avail.

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