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Webui becomes unresponsive and get bad gateway during Parity check or VM Create

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I mostly use Unraid for Docker/VM's only so I don't have a lot of storage or disks.

Recently trying to create a new VM or during a Parity check the webui will become unresponsive and you end up with a 500 internal server error message or bad gateway from nginx.

I tried to add a Windows 10 VM and now the VM tab is just stuck and won't respond after the create button is clicked and it changes to creating...


Here is the diagnostics log for the VM create lock up,  the only way I know to fix it is to force a reboot from the console and then Unraid wants to do a parity check and the whole system will stop responding in the Webui for a few minutes sometimes and then work again and stop,  as well as other dockers.  So for now I reboot and stop the parity check.  BTW upon reboot the VM I tried to create will not be there.


Any help would be appreciated.



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