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Strange issue with cache getting ignored for just one share

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Hi all,

I am puzzled about a share which just won't use the assigned cache. Here's what's happening:

  • I have a share named "Media" which has the setting "Yes : Cache" (see screenshot below).
  • There is only one cache pool which has plenty of free space (> 800 GB).
  • When I copy a new file from my laptop to this share I see that it gets immediately written to the array and not to the cache.
  • When I check the share size directly after the file upload I also see that there is absolutely nothing on the cache.
  • For another share with exactly the same settings it works as expected, just not with this one.
  • I already tried to set "Use cache pool" to "No" and then to "Yes" again, no luck.


Does anybody know what's going on here? Any help/suggestions are appreciated, thanks!

(Diagnostics are attached.)



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