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Dockers Plex/Radarr/Sonarr 'reset' after UnRaid server IP change

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Hi all,


So my UnRaid server used to be on the 192.168.1.x subnet. Now I've received a new router from my ISP and the subnet is now 192.168.2.x. I tried changing it back on the router, but that option is blocked off.


My server became inaccessible because of that, so I took out the USB stick and changed network.cfg and changed the IP address of my server to correspond with the new subnet. After that I rebooted the server.


UnRaid itself is now accessible again and seems to be working normally, however, my dockers Plex/Radarr and Sonarr seem to have completely reset. They don't have any data anymore and also the settings are all back to defaults. It's as if they're starting for the first time.


I just can't figure out why this happened or how to fix it. I don't understand how changing the UnRaid IP affects the databases of the dockers. Especially since they use port mapping to begin with (Sonarr for instance is and maps to the 192.168.2.x:8989 subnet range).


Does anybody have an idea of what might be going on and how to fix it?


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3 minutes ago, Freighter said:

My server became inaccessible because of that, so I took out the USB stick and changed network.cfg and changed the IP address of my server to correspond with the new subnet. After that I rebooted the server

Easiest way to avoid this kind of thing is to leave the server as DHCP and instead set static IP addresses within the router itself.


4 minutes ago, Freighter said:

nRaid itself is now accessible again and seems to be working normally, however, my dockers Plex/Radarr and Sonarr seem to have completely reset. They don't have any data anymore and also the settings are all back to defaults. It's as if they're starting for the first time.

Post your diagnostics.  Ideally (hopefully) you haven't rebooted the server since noticing this

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1 hour ago, Squid said:

Easiest way to avoid this kind of thing is to leave the server as DHCP and instead set static IP addresses within the router itself.


Post your diagnostics.  Ideally (hopefully) you haven't rebooted the server since noticing this

I haven't since I noticed it, but it probably happened at an earlier point, since I connected the server to a mouse and keyboard downstairs - confirmed it was accessible again, and then returned it to it's original location. Not sure if the logs are still useful in that case.


I also included a log from the radarr docker, since it has some lines about "Migrating data source" which I thought might be relevant?


Thank you so far!

alphabox-diagnostics-20220115-2039.zip radarr_log.rtf

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24 minutes ago, Squid said:
Jan 15 17:29:04 alphabox emhttpd: import 30 cache device: no device

Did you have a cache drive assigned before???

Yes, I did! The cache drive got unassigned for some reason. I reassigned it. Afterwards the Radar and Sonar databases were corrupted. However I managed to restore these by using the radar.db and config.xml files from the backup folder (and removing the log files, since someone on another post mentioned that a corrupted log file could also cause issues).


Everything is back up and running now, thank you so much!

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