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Docker containers and kubernetes with a single public IP


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I am in the process of moving many of my websites to my local server. I have a big server with 62 cores and 250GB ram so i got more then enough power to run everything and save on my cloud bill :)

My issues is that i am having issues figure out how to set this up with only a single public IP.

I am running Unraid, with a few docker containers, most importantly Plex, NextCloud and chevereto. But i am running all my websites in a kubernetes cluster.

I can handle this with my ingress server in kubernetes, but i need something before the kubernetes ingress that can filter out my plex, NextCloud and chevereto domains and send the requests to their dockers, and if nothing matches there send it to my kubernetes ingress.

Is there a plugin to Unraid that can do this or a tool i can run in a VM? I have tried NginxProxyManager but that dose not really seem capable of it.

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