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Drive Removed, can i move the slots up?

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I removed a drive (a small 200gb) from the array. I followed the shrink procedures (https://wiki.unraid.net/Shrink_array), but my browser crashed and the 'write zero's' window died. I monitored top to see the activity and after a day, when the shfsd went away and writes to the parity were not moving, i removed the drive.


Now in my array config, i have slot 1 (where the 200gb) drive used to be is empty.



I think this is affecting my shares, as they show the yellow warning sign.  (ignore the -backups), i created those on the raid1 cache drive).



Looking at the FCM share, it is only on disk4, which is encrypted



I think the missing drive is making Unraid think that something is wrong and showing those shares as unprotected. A parity read overnight shows zero errors.


How can i once and for all get rid of the removed drive, and can I move the 3 drives up a slot (so to speak), making disk2 become disk 1, and 3 become 2, and....






Edited by Crashn_bern
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Thanks JorgeB. I thought I did that, but I guess not?


To be specific, i can create a new config, move the disks up a 'slot', then save and parity check?  The disk is gone, i had moved all the data and removed it physically. 

Will the process you describe remove the warnings about data not being protected?



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10 minutes ago, Crashn_bern said:

To be specific, i can create a new config, move the disks up a 'slot', then save and parity check?

Yes, to "save" you just start the array.


10 minutes ago, Crashn_bern said:

Will the process you describe remove the warnings about data not being protected?

Yep, once the parity sync is done.

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Thank you. It seems to be working great. No more failed drive listed, and the parity is running. I had to reset all my shares so they ended up on the correct drives as the drive assignments changes (which is what I wanted). I'm confident that after the parity check, all shares will show protected.



Edited by Crashn_bern
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