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Dockers can no longer write after Parity rebuild

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Did a parity rebuild that went fine.  Rebooted after it was finished.  All my dockers containers started no problem and ran without issue until this morning sometime.  Now all the containers cant write to appdata. At one point all of my shares disappeared but a reboot brought those back but the get errors like the following in the logs.  Shares are viewable in Windows folder. Diagnostics attached.  Any help would be appreciated it.


/bin/mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/config’: Input/output error
chown: cannot access '/config/Library/Application Support': Input/output error



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First off, you should update to 6.9.2  Many fixes / improvements over 6.9.1


Does this set of diagnostics cover the time period in question when this happened?  Nothing strictly obvious


Other thoughts:  I'm not a fan (although there's nothing wrong with it) in using BTRFS on a single cache drive pool if you've got no plans to update it to a multi-device pool.  XFS on single drive pools is anecdotally far more reliable.


Your appdata share is set to Use Cache: No.  Once again, nothing strictly wrong with doing that, but far far faster responsiveness out of any container (Plex) by setting Use Cache: Prefer and running it off of the cache drive (Use the appdata backup plugin to make periodic backups of that share).  You'll have to stop the service under Settings - Docker and then run mover to get everything onto the cache drive once you change that setting.

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Yes it was taken after the dockers started throwing errors.

Updated to the newest OS.  Did not resolve the issue.  Made the change for the appdata to prefer. 


After making the change to cache and restarting the docker service my shares disappeared again.


More info.


After the shares disappeared I took the array offline and then back online and the shares came back.


Shares keep disappearing still.


Now getting unmountable disk present on disk 1


new diagnostics attached


Edited by Hellbound021
clarity and more issues.
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