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VM keeps entering paused state- array device is not full, vdisks not full, CPU and RAM not overutilized; not sure how to troubleshoot.

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I'm running UNRAID on an i7-10700K, with 32GB (updated, fixed typo) of RAM.  Array consists of one 512GB nVME drive.


There are 3 VMs,

Ubunut, using 1 CPU core, and 1GB of RAM.  No issues here.

Matty, using 6 CPU cores, and 8GB of RAM. No issues here.

Blue Iris, using  6 CPU cores, and 16GB of RAM.  This is the problematic one, but only recently. It worked great for months. I can't figure out why it keeps pausing, and in some cases, stopping.  I have tried stopping "Matty", just to see if it was an issue with CPU\RAM utilization, but it isn't that.


I also have a few docker apps... a UniFi controller, NGINX proxy manager, a MC bedrock server... and I don't know how to check utilization on these things.


When I click the "logs" section next to my VM, it really doesn't tell me anything. No red Errors, just white and blue.


I have been using Unraid for about 3 months, so, all things considered I'm a n00b.  If there is a configuration file\XML somewhere that I should be uploading to help with the troubleshooting, please let me know.  Thanks in advance for any help I can get.





Edited by David Hess
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17 minutes ago, David Hess said:

I'm running UNRAID on an i7-10700K, with 16GB of RAM. 


17 minutes ago, David Hess said:

Blue Iris, using  6 CPU cores, and 16GB of RAM. 


You must leave enough resources available for the host to emulate all the things that are normally hardware. Typically things run smoother if the host has at least 1 full core (if hyperthreading is enabled, it needs the correlated pair) and 4GB of RAM, Since you say you are running several resource heavy containers as well, the host requirements could be even higher.


If you typo'd and are running 64GB of RAM on the host, then your allocations sound about right.

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1 hour ago, David Hess said:


I also have a few docker apps... a UniFi controller, NGINX proxy manager, a MC bedrock server... and I don't know how to check utilization on these things.

Docker tab, advanced view in the upper right corner.


As an experiment for performance optimization, try drastically reducing the VM allocations.


matty 2 cores and 4GB

BI 4 cores and 8GB


Make sure non of the allocated cores overlap, and keep 0/1 unallocated for the host.


See how the vm performance is, I'm guessing you won't see a whole lot if any reduction in how the VM's perform.


As far as the pausing goes, I suspect you over allocated disk space, and a sparse vdisk file is running out of expansion room.


Post the storage section of the BI vm config.




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