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NVIDIA GPU passthrough locks UNRAID GUI on start

Go to solution Solved by dja,

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I'm trying to pass an Nvidia NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER to my Windows 10 VM. I have a AMD Ryzen 9 5950X with 128 GB DDR4.

Latest BIOS. Motherboard info:

American Megatrends Inc., Version 4203
BIOS dated: Tue 08 Feb 2022 12:00:00 AM EST


Every time I try to start the VM the VM icon starts spinning (red) and eventually crashes the GUI forcing me to do a powerdown command from SSH. Not optimal of course. 


I have 2 cards. I am passing the other, a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti to my dockers. I am 1000% positive I am not using the docker graphic card with VM. I have disabled docker just to test that out...issue still happens. I have looked at the suggested AMD tweaks but I have no c-State settings or anything close to that. (From what I can see..)  Motherboard manual below:

I have also tried passing the card I use for docker to VM (when docker disabled) and it still crashes Unraid. 

Any suggestions? I saw in another video that @SpaceInvaderOne created a video card bios file in order to boot his VM. I hope that isn't the situation, seems like a ton of work to pass GPU.


2 Diags from crashes attached. 

Any ideas suggestions appreciated! 

zeus-diagnostics-20220218-0019.zip zeus-diagnostics-20220218-1613.zip

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