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unraid and pfsense

Nir Manor

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i install pfsense on a vm im my unraid server and evrything is working fine untill i discoved that my unraid server coudnt connect to the internet wich meens i cant install new apps or accses my plex server (even inside my local network) 

do anyone have a solution for it?

i serched the forum and didnt found an answer.

thanks for the help :)

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Unless you have 3 independent ethernet cables to the Unraid box it's going to be challenging. I pass 2 ethernet ports directly to the VM, one is WAN and connects to the modem, one is LAN and connects to the switch. The third port belongs to Unraid, and it also connects to the switch.


(Actually I have 4 cables, as there is a dedicated IPMI port also connected to the switch)

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it dosen seem to work

and it was so hard to get it back runing because in order to change unraid setting i need to shutdown the pfsense vm and when i change to dhcp i coulden access the unraid server page so i connect another router to my netwok in order to acces it 


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