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Help! "Cannot connect [TRIAL] key to server!" even though I am connected to the internet...

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I am not able to register my Trial Key. I have everything wired up. I am able to log into the unraid web UI by using my IP address.


I can see my unraid machine IP in my router web UI settings as well as the IP address of my current machine. My unraid IP begins with 192 if that matters. The router I am using is a regular home router (TP Link MR200).


But when I registered my trial key, I got an error reading "Cannot connect to key-server". I am indeed connected to the internet, but for some reason unraid cannot detect it.


I did some searching and I noticed both my unraid machine and unraid web UI date were both different and wrong, so I fixed that in the BIOS and in the unraid settings. Turned off the unraid machine and then turned it back on - but the error message is still there. I also tried to reset my internet router, but that didnt seem to change anything either.


Apologies if this is a stupid question, I am very much stretching myself with this project. I am not use to network configuration stuff!


Any thoughts?

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4 hours ago, Squid said:

Can you post your diagnostics  Also what happens with this command

ping -c3 google.com



Hey! Thank you for such a quick response (and the steps on how to attach the diagnostics file!)!


Just to make sure I am entering the command correctly, before I enter it on my unraid machine I enter "root" for my login and then type the above.


That then gives me the below error:



ping: google.com: Name or service not known


Edited by FrodoTheMagicUnraid
figured the upload issue
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I would actually investigate changing the cable.  It's been forever since I've seen any router only support 100Mb/s on it's link, so it appears to be a bad cable since that's the link speed it's connecting at.  And if it's a bad cable, you're going to have tons of issues

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1 hour ago, Squid said:

I would actually investigate changing the cable.  It's been forever since I've seen any router only support 100Mb/s on it's link, so it appears to be a bad cable since that's the link speed it's connecting at.  And if it's a bad cable, you're going to have tons of issues


Hey! Thank you again for the reply. So I replaced one cable, and that was the cable going from my router to my unraid macine. I had a cable that was "Cat5e UTP Patch" so used that instead. After I connected it, I refreshed my unraid registration page and nothing had changed. I have attached another diagnostics output.


Thanks again!


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1 hour ago, Squid said:

Bad port?  It's still connecting at 100Mbs  Not impossible for the router to only have 100Mbs support, but unlikely.


Hey there! Thank you again for your help!


So, I tried a few things. I tried another cable/ports, nothing changed. So, I also tried using a Switch (not sure if this is correct, but I connected a cable from the router to the switch and then one cable from the switch to my regular machine and one cable from the switch to my unraid machine). No luck!!


I have attached another diagnostics file, in case you can see something I cannot.


Edited by FrodoTheMagicUnraid
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1 hour ago, Squid said:

Bad port?  It's still connecting at 100Mbs  Not impossible for the router to only have 100Mbs support, but unlikely.


Actually, just a thought, the way I connect to the internet is via my mobile and tethering data (regular broadband internet is too expensive for me atm), could this be causing the issue? I have no other issues with my internet connection with this approach.

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30 minutes ago, Squid said:

Maybe.  Not quite sure, but if it is the problem, you won't be able to get the Trial to work as it requires internet access to the key server (paid versions of the OS do not at all)


Is there anything you would suggest I do to test this out?


If that is the problem is thee any other way for me to do this? I couldnt even pay for a premium account at work and then use the code, because it wont be able to check if its a valid key. Surely I cant be the only person in this boat!


Should I maybe make a separate post for the question? I am just really keen to get this up and running this weekend before work kills me again!


Thank you again!

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So I did a bit more digging, I noticed my router had this sim slot, so I popped my SIm in there. I then saw this in my settings...


So maybe the issue is actually the router?




The router I am using is a TPLink Archer MR200: https://www.tp-link.com/uk/home-networking/3g-4g-router/archer-mr200/


But I am really getting out of my area of expertise now!! Any ideas? :)

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10 minutes ago, itimpi said:

That router only has 100Mb ports as it says

3 10/100Mbps LAN Ports, 1 10/100Mbps LAN/WAN Port

in the description.



Sorry if this is a stupid question, but does that mean I need a new router? I have a switch I just picked up (https://www.tp-link.com/uk/business-networking/unmanaged-switch/tl-sg105s/), could that be used instead of a router, or do I need both? Or maybe even a new switch too?


If I do need a new router/switch, what should I be looking for in terms of speed?


Thank you, both!

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