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6.9.2 Server went down last night, can no longer access GUI, shares, or even ping to/from it.

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EDIT: If anyone reads this, the problem lies with the Windows 11 PC. Something is apparently cached in it and it won't communicate with the re-imaged server now. I've cleared everything I know how to, still looking into this and will update if I find the root of the problem.


I'm relatively new to unraid, I recently got some new hardware and wanted to give it another shot and I set everything up last night. Everything was running fine, I had my containers working and had downloads going. Then it suddenly started getting less responsive, and within a few minutes I couldn't access the GUI anymore. Pings come back as "General Failure" rather than requests timing out from Windows.


After that point, I tried rebooting. I thought maybe I had queued up too many things at once, and eaten up all my memory. When that didn't work, I tried reformatting the USB, tried a fresh install entirely, new USB, etc. I can access the internet from the server just fine, I can use the GUI mode, all of that works. But my PC and my server will no longer communicate at all. I did try clearing it from the ARP table just as a precaution, no luck there either. I also changed the policy setting to allow insecure guest logins on my Windows 11 PC.


It seems like something is just no longer clicking after that crash, and I can't figure out what after about 10 hours of digging through forum and reddit posts. So I finally bit the bullet and made my own post. I've attached a diagnostics file from the server, after it was re-imaged. It's not fully reconfigured yet but in its current state it still wont communicate, so what's the difference really.


I'm still new to this, if I've left anything out please let me know and I'll provide any details. Any assistance is greatly appreciated!


Edited by Cloverfear
edit for current status
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Tried both, but typically IP. I did make sure to only use http and just to be safe I disabled SSL/TLS and tried a few different browsers just to be safe as well.


Worth noting I’m stuck using the basic spectrum modem/router until I replace them soon, I’m wondering if it’s a network issue with that equipment at this point.

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So it's isolated to my windows 11 PC not communicating with the server. Any other device communicates just fine. I should have checked the before posting, it was one of those situations where I walked away from the problem for a bit and realized I had overlooked something obvious.


I'll see if I can troubleshoot what's going on with the networking on the windows PC, if I can I'll update this with a solution for anyone else who runs across the same problem.

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