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Windows 7 NTFS Data to unRAID - Fastest Method

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As always, I've used the search and as always, I usually read 3+ pages of results (which is usually 30+ threads/posts) and didn't come across anything that gives a definitive answer to my question.


This came close though: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=11311.0


Teracopy seems to be popular, though as Joe L. points out it doesn't guarantee you'll be safe from corruption.  So at this point, I have no intention to copy to the array without the parity drive enabled.


What I am doing right now (and keep in mind I've only copied two 4.7GB files so far, I stopped in case it would be pointless or ill-advised to continue the way I'm doing it) is copying files from my Win 7 machine to my "Movies" share via mapped network drive to my unRAID box.  This is yielding 35MB/sec, which yes, is "slow" I suppose, or is if there is a faster method.  Something to note.  On my Win 7 machine I have the movie files (in ISO format) spanned amongst four drives (2x2TB, 2x1TB) each of which have a root directory called "Movies" then within, I have sub-directories:


0 - 9

A - C

D - F

G - I

J - M

N - S

T - V

W - Z


On my unRAID share, I have the root/share of "Movies" then sub-directories, "Adult", "Family" and "Children".  In those, I am creating a sub-directory with the name of the movie (e.g. "102 Dalmations [DVD] (2000)") then in that sub-directory is the ISO itself (e.g. "102 Dalmations [DVD] (2000).iso").


My main initial goal is to transfer all the data from the very much unprotected Win 7 machine to the unRAID array, for obvious reasons (i.e. protection of data).


Should I concern myself only with this, then move the files from a, lets say, depository on the unRAID into the individual respective sub-directories (i.e. their ultimate destination)?  If so, what is the fastest method?


Cant I take the hard drives from the Win 7 machine and install them into the unRAID machine, mount them outside the array then copy the files that way?  (i.e. bypassing the network altogether)  Or, is that not possible?  They are NTFS, not FAT/FAT32 formatted.


What would you veterans recommend to me? (veterans to unRAID, I don't consider post count relative to your familiarity of unRAID - so don't shy from my post please if you have only 2 posts or such)


Thank you in advance, I'll be watching this thread like a hawk.


P.S. - I've yet to use Teracopy, but I assume it copies files 1:1 (1 by 1), because it was also mentioned in the above linked thread that copying multiple files at once did some nasty head thrashing --- this does not appeal to me to say the least.


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Direct copies would be fastest, if you have extra ports and don't mind juggling hardware. This tells how to use ntfs3g so you could attach the NTFS drives directly to your unRAID server and copy locally:




Excellent lead, thank you VERY much.  I have 17 empty hot-swappable slots to mess around with, fortunately.  I won't have a need to write to the NTFS drives though (or will I?), only need to get the data off of them and into the array.



A quote from the link you provided:

In fact, unRaid comes with the ntfs loadable module that can read an NTFS file system, unfortunately, it is not able to properly write to NTFS file systems.


Now my search is on for this NTFS loadable module that evidently came with unRAID, and how to use it.  Sure I guess I could use the direct method you linked, but, if I can get away using an inherit function of unRAID without loading more modules, etc. I'm all for it..


Would you recommend that? or despite not having a desire to write to the NTFS drive once in a bay on the unRAID machine, would you still recommend the linked method?


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I would recommend these instructions: http://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php?title=Copy_files_from_a_NTFS_drive


You do not need to write. The NTFS module will only be loaded until you reboot the server.


:thumbs up:


Thank you very much.  6 hours left on Teracopy though and unsure if I should cancel it -- it would make for an incomplete copy, I -think-, which from my reading is a bad thing?  Or should it be safe to cancel it (as I have to bring down the Win 7 machine that is running it as it's the one with the 4 NTFS drives in it)


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Got it.  One of the NTFS drives is in, mounted and copying has begun. 


Though, a new problem for me to resolve after I'm done copying the data...  the bay that I put the NTFS formatted drive into seems to be dead.  Not even a green (power) LED on the case, much less a blue (read).  Crud.


Investigating it will have to wait until the copy is complete and I can bring down the server.  The entire bottom (Norco 4224) backplane consists of the 2 SATA controller and the last two ports on the mobo, which, I'm unsure are JMicron or not, I don't think that they are.


Should be easy enough to figure out though, which (the PCIe or the Mobo) is the culprit.  I have my cache drive (currently not in the array but, is plugged in and pre-cleared) in the bottom (very right side) backplane and it works just fine.  So, I guess if I can somehow find out with the array/server up which controller that cache drive is on, I'll find the culprit.



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