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Error in syslog share_luks_status Operation not supported getxattr

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So, let me start by saying I'm sure I'm doing something here that isn't "supported".  That is fine, I'm not asking for it to be supported, I just want to see if anyone has any ideas of how I can get around it.


I'm getting the error spamming my log file every second for "error: share_luks_status, 5995: Operation not supported (95): getxattr:".  It does this for most of my shares.  I fully expect the reason is because I'm using zfs and have symbolic links to the zfs datasets in place of the shares.  I have a 1TB drive currently for the unraid array so that docker and vms will work (I'll be swapping this out for a smaller drive at some point probably, it's just a spare I had on hand).  The zfs array is made up of 5 x 16 TB ironwolfs in a raidz2 configuration.  I'm not sure why these sym links would not support the getxattr because as far as I can tell getxattr being called on a sym link should just call getxattr on the file or folder the link points to.  And ZFS says it supports these xattr operations.


But anyway, this is the way I'd prefer for things to be set up until official zfs support comes in unraid (which will hopefully make this a non issue).  Is there some way for me to disable whatever is generating this error or at least just not log the error maybe?  It doesn't seem to be anything important because everything seems to be fully functional.  Alternatively, is there a way for me to create smb shares that aren't done through unraids /mnt/user?


I know in some cases I could move the sym link to under the /mnt/user/<share> folder (although I find that configuration messy and annoying, guess something about having to use a single folder under a share just sets my ocd off lol)... but that doesn't work for all cases.  For example from what I gather (I could be wrong since I'm new to unraid) VMs are stored in the domains share and dockers are stored in the system and appdata shares, I want these things on my redundant disk array not on the dummy 1tb drive.


I'm even considering just having a task that runs occasionally and deletes any rotated syslog files to try and keep space free, but this doesn't really seem like a great solution either.  It still leaves my syslog file spammed with errors should I need to check it for anything important.

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Ok, configuring a share in smb-extra seems to work for everything except the appdata, system, domains, and isos folders.  But, I think I found where I can change the storage path for docker and vms, so that shouldn't be an issue.


I don't see what you mean by export the pool via Unassigned Devices.  I probably don't need to do this since the smb-extra.conf works, but I'm just curious what this is / where it is?



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Apparently I was wrong about changing the path for docker and vms, apparently those can only be changed to paths in the /mnt/user folder.... that is annoying.  Is there some way around that?  I want to be sure my dockers and vms are on redundant storage.

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Yeah, if I type in the path, it goes red and won't let it apply as if it's an invalid value.  The path entered does exist, triple checked that.




Ugh, nvm it apparently requires the trailing / to accept it.  Thanks again.

Edited by Menaan
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