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Unmountable Disk, unable to verify superblock

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I have a disk showing up in my server as Unmountable.  It's otherwise still showing green and doesn't have any errors listed in the Main tab.


I've started xfs-repair through the unRAID GUI.  It's still running but it's stuck on the following step:

Phase 1 - find and verify superblock...
bad primary superblock - bad magic number !!!

attempting to find secondary superblock...
...found candidate secondary superblock...
unable to verify superblock, continuing...
(this line is continuously expanding with `.` characters)


I've collected the diagnostics and attached them.  I'll update when I notice the check finish, but it seems to me like it's probably going to run through the entire disk before failing to find a superblock.  Assuming this is the eventual outcome, how might I go about fixing this drive?


Some context, I needed to shut down the server yesterday because CPU consumption somehow spiked to 100% on all cores and even the web GUI wasn't being responsive.  There's a strong chance that this caused the issue on this drive.


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It does give me the option to cancel, so I did.  Removed the -n flag and running it again.


EDIT 2:  The check finished, looks like it didn't find anything.

unable to verify superblock, continuing...
(this line is continuously expanding with `.` characters) Sorry, could not find valid secondary superblock
Exiting now.
Edited by SpyisSandvich
Further development, or unexpected lack thereof
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I've updated my previous post, the check finished predictably.


In the meantime, what's the risk of running the server provided I don't use the broken drive?  The data on there isn't the most critical on my server, but keeping it in Maintenance mode (or off, since I'm still unsure about what to do next) has obvious impacts to usability.

Edited by SpyisSandvich
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