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drive in parity is not the biggest

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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i shucked a wd elements 8tb into my array and now i am getting the error that the parity drive hast to be the biggest.

my current setup is:


data: 6 disk (4-8tb wd reds)

parity: 1 disk (8tb wd red)


i want to add the shucked drive as a data disk but get the error about parity not being the biggest disk.

sector counts on the disks are identical


what gives?


EDIT: nvm the partition on the shucked drive is slightly smaller than the parity ( 7.814.025.540 vs 7.814.026.532)



Edited by sluggathor
added diagnostics and findings
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9 hours ago, sluggathor said:

which is still a strange thing because i've created and formatted the drives using unraid.

This usually happens when the drives already have a partition starting on sector 2048, Unraid will format the drive but use the existing partition, since that starting sector is now valid for SSDs, it should never happen with a new or completely wiped disk.

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