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Best Allocation Method and Split Level for Safety & Trustful

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Hello everyone!

I setup my UNRAID for personal use, i have multiple data from old HDD's that i want to move to my UNRAID, but my main file storage is MUSIC and Vídeos.


So, i have many files that i dont want to loose like personal pictures from my ages, so i ask:


What is the best settings for Shares, its better i setting up just one share like: STORAGE and move all my data inside this share or its best i did as many shares i need for my data?


+ its better setting Allocation Method most free or high water on that share (or on all shares) ? 

+ the split level what is the best option for my scenario? 


I ask this causes on the most free method my files get all disks avaliable on the array, and for example if a disk fail's or burn down i just loose the data on that disk, on high water the data its not distributed equal on all disks...


Actually i have just one parity disk, i will add one more further for data safety, Sorry for many questions, but i want to be shure that i did the best settings, once i migrate my data to my UNRAID i cant go back, once done, is done :D


Thanks in advance!!!

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