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New HDD errors

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I've recently installed a new (for me at least) drive to my array today and Unraid is telling me that the drive is spitting errors, (at least 1024). The drive is a HUH728080AL5205 and I am running Unraid 6.9.2. I'm still relatively new to SAS drives and how to interpret the drive health information from them.


The Server is a Dell R520 with a H710 PERC Mini Mono Raid card flashed with the LSI IT Mode Firmware.


Diagnostics have been attached, any help is much appreciated.


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19 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Disk started generation errors as soon as it was connected, SMART looks OK, but you can run an extended test (on the CLI since the GUI tests won't work with SAS devices) and/or make sure it's not formatted with protection, this usually appears on the SMART report when enable but not always.


Many thanks for the quick response. I tried running the following and got this:


user@Server:~# sg_format --format --fmtpinfo=0 /dev/sdc -v
    HGST      HUH728080AL5205   D907   peripheral_type: disk [0x0]
      << supports protection information>>
      Unit serial number:         VJG4R2KX
      LU name: 5000cca261089184
    mode sense(10) cdb: [5a 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 fc 00]
Mode Sense (block descriptor) data, prior to changes:
block count maxed out, set <<longlba>>
    mode sense(10) cdb: [5a 10 01 00 00 00 00 00 fc 00]
  <<< longlba flag set (64 bit lba) >>>
  Number of blocks=15628053168 [0x3a3812ab0]
  Block size=512 [0x200]

A FORMAT UNIT will commence in 15 seconds
    ALL data on /dev/sdc will be DESTROYED
        Press control-C to abort

A FORMAT UNIT will commence in 10 seconds
    ALL data on /dev/sdc will be DESTROYED
        Press control-C to abort

A FORMAT UNIT will commence in 5 seconds
    ALL data on /dev/sdc will be DESTROYED
        Press control-C to abort
    Format unit cdb: [04 18 00 00 00 00]
Format unit:
Descriptor format, current; Sense key: Data Protect
Additional sense: Access denied - no access rights
  Descriptor type: Information: Valid=0 (-> vendor specific) 0x0000000000000000
  Descriptor type: Command specific: 0x0000000000000000
  Descriptor type: Sense key specific: Sense_key: 0x7 unexpected
    00 00 00 00 00 00 
  Descriptor type: Field replaceable unit code: 0x0
  Descriptor type: Block commands: Incorrect Length Indicator (ILI) clear
  Descriptor type: Vendor specific [0x80]
    f8 27 
  DesFormat unit command: Data protect, type: sense key; write protected media?

Edited by WardyBoi
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1 hour ago, JorgeB said:

Yep, looks like some form of protection, see if it's this:







Finally managed to sort it, first I ran the following:

sedutil-cli --PSIDrevertAdminSP <DrivePSID> /dev/<DRIVE>


Then ran a fast format by doing the following:

sg_format --format --ffmt=1 --fmtpinfo=0 /dev/<DRIVE>


After a few minutes the drive appeared in Unraid and is now preclearing as expected.


Thanks for the help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to tag along on this thread and hello JorgeB again lol. I got a couple more drives from the same place I did last time but as these threads suggested `sg_format` did not work. Saw this and wanted to try `sedutil-cli` on Unraid 6.9.2 but it says the command is not found. What is the proper way to get this utility on Unraid, I couldn't find a clear answer in my searches.

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Thankfully found a solution in a different thread. 


To anyone who see's this and wants to do this all through Unraid (I've seen others boot up TrueNAS in order to use sedutil), I did these steps:

  1. First try: 
    sg_format --format --fmtpinfo=0 /dev/<drive>

    But if that does not work and you get an error such as we did "Data protect" move to the next steps

  2. Set "libata.allow_tpm" to "1" as mentioned in the sedutil README https://github.com/Drive-Trust-Alliance/sedutil/blob/master/README.md

    1. Following Unraid's Boot Codes https://wiki.unraid.net/Boot_Codes edit your "syslinux.cfg" file in an editor of your choice

    2. On whichever OS option you boot from append as stated in the wiki to the append line ex: "append initrd=bzroot libata.allow_tpm=1"

    3. Save and reboot

    4. (Optional) Double check value was set at: /sys/module/libata/parameters/allow_tpm

  3. Install sedutil as mentioned in the attached comment (download linux, copy over, installpkg)

  4. Navigate to CLI (for me location changed, no GNU-Linux) "cd /sedutil/Release_x86_64/"

  5. To test run "sedutil-cli --scan" (other info within .txt https://github.com/Drive-Trust-Alliance/sedutil/blob/master/linux/PSIDRevert_LINUX.txt)

  6. Run command:

    sedutil-cli --yesIreallywanttoERASEALLmydatausingthePSID <PSIDALLCAPSNODASHES> /dev/<drive>
    1.  If getting auth error such as "Session Authenticate failed (response = false)" PSID is most likely wrong (different error wording than .txt)

  7. Confirm sedutil-cli worked: "revertTper completed successfully)

  8. Repeat Step 1 and then you should be able to format/pre-clear! (most likely, my sg_format is still running)

Hope this helps and thanks everyone for the ongoing help!

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21 hours ago, MooseCadets said:

Sorry to tag along on this thread and hello JorgeB again lol. I got a couple more drives from the same place I did last time but as these threads suggested `sg_format` did not work. Saw this and wanted to try `sedutil-cli` on Unraid 6.9.2 but it says the command is not found. What is the proper way to get this utility on Unraid, I couldn't find a clear answer in my searches.


11 hours ago, JorgeB said:

I don't use SAS devices, we can ask @WardyBoi


I believe I installed it using the NerdPack plugin.

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