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2 unmountable drives, "no file system" unable to remount

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Hey peeps, so I may have massively messed up here, its a long story but end result is:


new config been done, 2tb data drive and 4tb data drive unmountable, im trying to run xfs repair and it fails to find the superblock, then endlessly hunts for the secondary (3 hours and counting and still its searching) 


what can I do here to resolve this? 


further info if you want to read it: 


4tb drive was getting write errors so the desire was to remove it, well after doing so and using the new config tool as unraid tells you to, the end result was my 2 tb drive no longer being mountable for no known reason, so I put the 4tb back and it too now cannot be mounted. the 3tb still mounts and seems to have no issues showing the data contained on it, but the 4tb and 2tb have lost their minds, in the process of all of this, the parody has attempted to rebuild a couple of times so now it too is ruined.


forgive the sparse info, I will add detail as requested but its such a long story that got me here I don't want to type a novel, any help here is much appreciated.  

unraid issue.PNG

unraid finding superblock.PNG


Edited by thetechdoc
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OK, primary superblock is damaged on both disks:


Apr  6 01:12:10 LilNas kernel: XFS (md1): Invalid superblock magic number
Apr  6 01:12:11 LilNas kernel: XFS (md3): Invalid superblock magic number


There are backup superblocks in the filesystem, so let it scan the complete disks, but if xfs_repair can't find a valid backup it won't fix the filesystem, in that case only a file recovery util like UFS explorer can might be able to recover the data.

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1 minute ago, JorgeB said:

OK, primary superblock is damaged on both disks:


Apr  6 01:12:10 LilNas kernel: XFS (md1): Invalid superblock magic number
Apr  6 01:12:11 LilNas kernel: XFS (md3): Invalid superblock magic number


There are backup superblocks in the filesystem, so let it scan the complete disks, but if xfs_repair can't find a valid backup it won't fix the filesystem, in that case only a file recovery util like UFS explorer can might be able to recover the data.

Ok no worries, ill start with the 4tb disk and let it scan overnight, it will eventually have a result right? or if it gets stuck, is it likely to just endlessly search?

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On 4/6/2022 at 7:01 PM, JorgeB said:

It will eventually finish, with or without finding a suitable backup.

Thank you for all the help, sadly is never found a valid superblock on either drive, a server tech friend of mine believes the sata controller may be at fault (without looking at the unit and just hearing my description) so im going to format and start again then see what happens, worst case I need a new board. RIP years of downloaded tv shows and movies. 

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