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[solved] Help Deleting a Directory

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I need help deleting a directory with subfolders and files.

The folder name and path are:

\\TOWER\disk1\Lisa Backup


The data in the folders is complete copies of a windows 7 computer filesystem made by Cobian backup.

The permissions are probably all screweed up (i.e. hidden windows files) and there are some very long file names.


When I try to delete the directory using my Windows 7 -64bit shell, I get the following message:

"You need permission to perfor this action

You require permision from TOWER/root to make changes to this folder."


I am able to telnet to my unraid but then I am limited by my lack of linux knowledge.


I am guessing I need to CHMOD the folder and contents.  Then delete the contents.  Then remove the directory.


Please tell me if my diagnosis is correct.  Or suggest how to diagnose.  

Then how to enter the commands, once I login via telnet.

Don't assume, I will understand basic linux command syntax.


Thanks in advance.

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An easy way to delete a file or directory is through Midnight Commander


open a telnet session or connect directly to the counsle


type mc


and then navigate do the directory you want to delete, and press F8.


For you it would be


/mnt/disk1/Lisa Backup

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It worked (when I used PuTTY, not Telnet)!!


In telnet, the F8 key was not recognized.


Many thanks.

In telnet you can use

Escape followed by the number 8 to simulate function key 8.

Escape 1 through 0  = F1 through F10 in "mc" when using telnet.

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