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Accidentally cleared 2 disks in dispart

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Hi All,


Just a quick update on the process. Following the completion on the Check -L repair I started up the array as normal.


The contents of Disk3 seems to be emulated




There is a lost+found folder present with a significant amount of content.


I'm in the process of copying the lost+found folder to an external location.


Once the copy is completed I'm planning to start a parity check as I think the parity drive was impacted as well and it would be important to rebuild the parity.


I think I managed to recover most of the data that was originally stored on Disk3, but now I have the task of sorting everything as all my existing folder structure with the name of the actual folders are gone.


If I left out anything or if anyone have any suggestions please let me know.

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1 minute ago, Flamingo said:

Once the copy is completed I'm planning to start a parity check as I think the parity drive was impacted as well and it would be important to rebuild the parity.

First you need to rebuild the emulated disk, and parity will agree with that rebuild.


You can still try to recover the partition on the actual disk with testdisk, and if successful you can mount it with UD after changing the XFS UUID, that can be done in the UD options.

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Thanks JorgeB,


Could you please kindly explain me the below steps in detail so I can follow them :)


First you need to rebuild the emulated disk, and parity will agree with that rebuild.


You can still try to recover the partition on the actual disk with testdisk, and if successful you can mount it with UD after changing the XFS UUID, that can be done in the UD options.

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20 minutes ago, Flamingo said:

First you need to rebuild the emulated disk, and parity will agree with that rebuild.

It's a normal rebuild, but to try and recover the partition on the old disk you'd need to use a new disk for this, not much point in doing a parity check after since the rebuilt disk will reflect current parity (plus the other disks).


23 minutes ago, Flamingo said:

You can still try to recover the partition on the actual disk with testdisk, and if successful you can mount it with UD after changing the XFS UUID, that can be done in the UD options.

First see if testdisk can recover the old partition, can't help with that part as I've not used testdisk in a while, but there are instructions in author's site, as well as other tutorials you can find with Google, I can help with the UD part if the partition is recovered, just post back here.


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Thanks JorgeB,


I swapped Disk3 with a new disk and started the array. The parity check/rebuild is now running. The old content of Disk3 will not be rebuilt in my opinion. First when I started the the server with the new disk the array was started with Disk3 simply just missing. I would imagine if the parity drive would have been intact the old content would have been emulated immediately.


I stopped the array and added the new 8tb disk to it. The contents are now emulated but when I browsed them I only saw the lost+found folder.


I imagine it will repopulate that data.


Also when Disk3 was repaired (check -L) yesterday and the lost+found folder was created I have a feeling it overwrite a large chunk of the disk with the contents of the lost+found folder (about 2.5 tb), so trying to recover the content of that physical disk is questionable.


What is your opinion?

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21 minutes ago, Flamingo said:

First when I started the the server with the new disk the array was started with Disk3 simply just missing. I would imagine if the parity drive would have been intact the old content would have been emulated immediately.

What you see in the emulated disk with or without an assigned disk is what will be there after the rebuild completes.


21 minutes ago, Flamingo said:

I imagine it will repopulate that data.

Again, what you see now is what will be there once it finishes rebuilding.


22 minutes ago, Flamingo said:

Also when Disk3 was repaired (check -L) yesterday and the lost+found folder was created I have a feeling it overwrite a large chunk of the disk with the contents of the lost+found folder (about 2.5 tb),

That was the emulated disk, and due to the filesystem corruption some (or all) data was moved to lost+found.

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