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Another re-order HDD thread

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Hey all, the new guy here again.


I got too excited to get started building out this box and created an array before all my HDD were here. 


As such, I need to re-order drives in the array so that it makes logical and physical sense.


Here's my current layout


Green= Data

Red= Parity

Blue= Unassigned

Yellow= Cache




Drives 0-4 are 6TB

Drives 5 & 6 are 8TB (another 8TB going into bay 7 soon)

I have two 12TB drives coming that will go in bay 10-11 for parity.



My Array layout is as follows



Here are the steps I understand I will need to take.


First, replace the parity drive.


1. Preclearing the new 12TB drive

2. Stop the array, clear the current parity assignment XYK and start the array

3. stop the array again and assign the 12TB bay 10 to parity 1

4. assign the old parity drive XYK to disk 5

5. As long as both the parity drive and slot 5 are showing in blue I should be ready to copy parity data from XYK to the 12TB drive.


Next I need to reorder disks around


6. Ensure parity has been verified and the array is valid.

7. stop array and assign Disk 2 = XYK, Disk 3 = 3HS, Disk 4 = 3R3, Disk 5 = 37T

8. Run "New Config" with "Preserve current assignments"

9. Start the array


Should I wait until after the drive re-order to add the second parity drive to bay 11?


Let me know if I missed something here or if everything I wrote makes no sense whatsoever lol.


Thanks in advance



Edited by aglyons
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11 minutes ago, aglyons said:

Should I wait until after the drive re-order to add the second parity drive to bay 11?


Yes, because parity 2 is dependent upon drive order and if you rearrange the order after adding p2 it's contents will be invalid and have to be rebuilt.


P1 doesn't care about drive order

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