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Random loss of DNS

Go to solution Solved by weirdcrap,

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2 hours ago, Osiris said:

So, when this issue occurs, you can perfectly ping google.com from the host, but the docker containers lose access to the web?
When this occurs, could you do 

docker exec -it containername /bin/bash -c 'cat /etc/resolv.conf'

for your failing containers.


edit: nevermind. Saw your router issue.
You're not running an openwrt with your own dhcpd & bind/named?

No, when this issue occurs everything loses DNS resolution. Webui, Dockers, SSH, everything. I haven't tried spinning up a VM yet but that's next on my list.


The router is a Zyxel USG110 (not my choice but it's not my network). I'm talking to the business owner about putting in my own router in front of my gear. No openWRT. UnRAID doesn't pull DHCP, all of it's network settings are statically configured and DNS is set to go straight to cloudflare and google for lookups.

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  • 1 month later...
  • Solution

All of this seems to have been resolved by putting my own router in. Plugin & docker update checks are 3-4x faster than before. pings to hostname's start faster. I'll keep monitoring for DNS issues but I'm considering this resolved for now.


A $100 J4125 box from aliexpress and pfSense CE made a night and day difference over that zyxel.

Edited by weirdcrap
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