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Parity Question with Add of Drives and Removal of Drives

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So I may have done something wrong and hopefully I didn't, lol


Long Story Short - Removed a 2tb drive and added 3 8tb drives. The 2tb drive is now an unassigned drive and copying data over to the array. When the array came online I checked the parity valid already option and then cancelled the parity check, as I'm copying data from the 2tb to the array. When I am done with the 2tb data xfer. Do I do a full parity check? What is the proper way to do that. At this point there is no data loss, and want to keep it that way. I also don't want Unraid to try to rebuild the array with a bad parity data, I dont mind waiting for it to scan the array again "initial array build" but what is the proper way.



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If you removed a drive then parity would NOT be valid so ticking that box was the wrong thing to do.  Until you get valid parity your files on the array are effectively unprotected.    

Your best way forward at this point might be to run without a parity drive in the short term to maximise transfer speed, and then add it back to build valid parity.

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6 hours ago, JorgeB said:

You can do a correcting parity check, but if parity is way out of sync it will be faster to re-sync it, to do that stop array, unassign parity, start/stop array, re-assign parity, start array to begin parity sync.

Thanks for This!

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