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Possible drive issue need some help

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One of my disks today went to unsuppoted file system.  I brought up the array in maintenance mode and did xfs_repair to fix the issue and the drive is back in the array.  The issue I have now is all my files are in lost+found folder.  Is there a way to recover these files without having to manually copy all the files back to the correct directory?  Attaching my Diag file.


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2 minutes ago, Scott Harkless said:

The issue I have now is all my files are in lost+found folder.  Is there a way to recover these files without having to manually copy all the files back to the correct directory?

Unfortunately not.    

Files get put into the lost+found folder when the repair process was not able to find their directory entry to figure out their name (in which case they are given a random numeric name) or where they belong in the file system.   It is often easier to restore from a backup (if you have one) rather than putting in the effort required to sort out the lost+found folder.

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1 hour ago, Scott Harkless said:

Is there a way to make the parity rebuild that drive?  I dont have a backup of all the files from that drive.  Should I just do an extended smart test on the drive to make sure its not failing or is there a better way to test ?



Parity will be reflecting the current contents of the drive (including the lost+found folder).   Parity has no knowledge of files - only disk sectors so in that sense it is not content aware.  


Parity is about protecting you against disk failure - it does not protect you from corruption at the file system level when the dixk has not failed.   That is one reason that having parity protection is not a substitute for having backups outside the array.

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