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Unraid Parity drive disabled

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Hi All,


Received a random alert this evening stating that my parity drive is in an error state (Parity disk in error state (disk dsbl)). Then received another message saying the entire drive has errors.


Parity disk - (sdj) (errors 3847670)
Disk 1 -  (sdm) (errors 844)
Disk 2 -  (sde) (errors 256)
Disk 3 -  (sdl) (errors 76)
Disk 4 -  (sdh) (errors 256)
Disk 5 -  (sdk) (errors 256)
Disk 6 -  (sdi) (errors 92)
Disk 7 -  (sdc) (errors 256)
Disk 8 -  (sdd) (errors 653479)
Disk 9 -  (sdf) (errors 256)


Once I received that email notification I was unable to access the GUI and most of my docker containers seemed to have crashed. I was able to console in and run diagnostics via CLI, attached as postcrash.


I powered everything down and pulled power cables as well. Started bringing things back up slowly, I confirmed that all my drives are being read by the server, they can all be seen in the bios and by Unraid. Once Unraid came back up fully it gave me an error stating the parity drive was disabled. I had Array auto-start enabled so the array was half started at this point. I then stopped the array, pulled another diagnostics (postreboot) and ran a short SMART test of the parity drive (shows no errors).


Would appreciate some assistance on how to proceed with this. Thanks!


unraid-diagnostics-20220530-2139-postreboot.zip unraid-diagnostics-20220530-2031-postcrash.zip

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I have a Dell C6100 server, which has 4 compute nodes. I fully reseated the node Unraid is running on and confirmed all the drives are seated as well as all the HBA connections. I did not check the power supply connections but I will do that once the parity sync finishes. It has redundant power supplies but I just dont want to mess with it right now.

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