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[6.10.2] How to make mover keep the most recent files in the cache pool?

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What is the proper way to keep the most recent files backed up in the array and in the cache pool?


This is what I tried but it is not having the result that I was expecting:

  1. Use cache pool (for new files/directories): = PREFER

  2. Use CA Mover Tuning plugin settings:

    1. Only move at this threshold of used cache space: = 50%

    2. Move files off cache based on age? = YES

    3. Move files that are greater than this many days old: = 7

    4. Use CTIME: = YES

    5. Everything else is set to NO



Ideally, it would be nice if MOVER could:

  1. Always make sure that 50% of the cache pool storage is in use.
  2. Find out what the oldest files are and remove them until it hits the 50% in-use threshold.
  3. Repeat daily.
  4. This way, all the newest files can have quick access from the cache pool.


Is this possible?

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Mover does not have the concept of older files being moved first so that is not an option.   There has been some discussion as to whether this might one day be available but I have seen no commitment made to it actually happening.


Also, the Use Cache=Prefer means you want files moved TO the cache from the array, not the other way around.   If you want files to be moved from cache to array you need the Use Cache=Yes option.   The Help built into the GUI describes how the options for this setting work and what action (if any) mover will subsequently take.

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11 hours ago, HDT said:

Ideally, it would be nice if MOVER could:

  1. Always make sure that 50% of the cache pool storage is in use.
  2. Find out what the oldest files are and remove them until it hits the 50% in-use threshold.
  3. Repeat daily.
  4. This way, all the newest files can have quick access from the cache pool.


Why don't you make this request in the support thread for the CA Mover Tuning plugin?

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