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Changed ISP No Longer Have Remote Access to My Server

Go to solution Solved by JonathanM,

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I just changed ISP to a fiber provider in my area (Metronet).  The only network change was to unplug the cable modem from my routers WAN port and plug in the fiber modem.  Everything else has been left unchanged including my forwarded port on the router for my Unraid server.  Unfortunately, I am now no longer able to access my server remotely.  When I load the My Servers page from my 5G tablet or phone it says Remote access is available but the site cannot be reached.  The My Servers plugin also says it is unreachable and I need to forward port 443.  This was done months ago and I've verified it is still active on the router.


php /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/UpdateDNS.php -v


(Output is anonymized, use '-vv' to see full details)
Unraid OS 6.9.2 with My Servers plugin version 2022.05.24.1752
 Signed in to Unraid.net as Corrupt_Liberty
Use SSL is yes
 Rebind protection is disabled for unraid.net
Local Access url: https://hash.unraid.net
 hash.unraid.net resolves to
Remote Access url: https://www.hash.unraid.net:[redacted]
 www.hash.unraid.net resolves to [redacted]

    "keyfile": "[redacted]",
    "plgversion": "2022.05.24.1752",
    "internalip": "",
    "internalhostname": "hash.unraid.net",
    "internalport": "443",
    "internalprotocol": "https",
    "remoteaccess": "yes",
    "servercomment": "Media server",
    "servername": "Kris-Server",
    "externalhostname": "hash.unraid.net",
    "externalport": "[redacted]",
    "externalprotocol": "https"
Response (HTTP 200):


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