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Any suggestions as to why network transfer to Windows Share wont go pas 150 Mbps?

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I can figure out why if network interface of the router and server are both 1000Mbps and the transfer is all internal to local network


16 GiB DDR3 (max. installable capacity 32 GiB)

Network: bond0: transmit load balancing, mtu 9000
eth0: 1000 Mbps, full duplex, mtu 9000

Kernel: Linux 5.15.46-Unraid x86_64





unraid 1.JPG

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What happens when you stop/pause the inbound transfer?


Where is that incoming traffic coming from?


Are you using a cache drive/array for the inbound traffic?


What are you writing to on the Windows computer?


You should also attach a diagnostics file while this transfer is going on.  Be sure to indicate the approximate time interval when it is happening.




Edited by Frank1940
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What happens when you stop/pause the inbound transfer?

>>Same thing happen.  Start up hits 150Mbs then dips to then goes up again in same pattern during transfer


Where is that incoming traffic coming from?

>>Its a single 30gb back file from may desktop in my office to sharedrive on unraid server in garage.  Both are connected to same router Desktop via wifi and Unraid via ethernet


Are you using a cache drive/array for the inbound traffic?

>>No Cache drive


What are you writing to on the Windows computer?

>>Im moving a backup file from my computer to the unraid share drive server


You should also attach a diagnostics file while this transfer is going on.  Be sure to indicate the approximate time interval when it is happening.


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yea unfortunately theres no viable sitatuion where i can get my router and desktop to ethernet without have some wire running across my floor.  I get good up/down speeds when im on the internet on my desktop especially when doing downloads but when traferring files in my local network between desktop and unraid box does this weird up and down and gives me nothing near the speeds like when im downloading something off the internet.  

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